Common Tennis Injuries and How to Prevent Them

treatment for tennis injury in Scottsdale.

The people of Scottsdale love many sports. Golf, pickleball, and tennis are three of our favorites. These are popular sports for players of all ages and skill sets. Plus, our weather makes it easy to play nearly year-round. Facilities like Scottsdale Ranch Park & Tennis Center features 10 lighted tennis courts, leagues, lessons, and drop-in sessions. Likewise, The Racquet Club at Scottsdale Ranch boasts 8 well-maintained courts and a popular tennis community. 

With such a popular sport, unfortunately, we see plenty of tennis injuries in our Scottsdale pain clinic, too. At LaserTech Pain and Back Relief, we are committed to providing you with everything you need to know about tennis injuries so you can get back to enjoying the game with as few risks and setbacks as possible. Read on to learn all about the most common tennis injuries, how to prevent them, and when it may be a good idea to see a pain doctor if you have become injured while playing tennis.

Common Tennis Injuries

  • Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Knee Injuries
  • Wrist Strains

How to Prevent Tennis Injuries

Like most sports, preventing tennis injuries is all about first warming up and then performing stretches before and after hitting the court. Here are a few warm up exercises and stretches we recommend to minimize the risk of sustaining a tennis injury.

  • Jog in place
  • Butt kickers and high knee exercises
  • Side steps
  • Hamstring (straight leg) kicks
  • Lunges/Quadricep Stretches 
  • Calves Stretches
  • Arm circles and swings
  • Wall push-ups and sumo (toes out) squats
  • Wrist curls and stretches
  • Trunk rotations- on back, knees bent let knees drop to each side gently
  • Generally stretch tight muscles after activity

When Should I See a Pain Doctor for My Tennis Injury?

If your pain becomes severe or you suspect a fracture, it’s always best to see a doctor. Likewise, if pain from a tennis injury persists after a few days or weeks, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Tennis is a great way to stay in shape and enjoy physical activities, but injuries can be common and if left untreated result in chronic pain.

Do your warm-ups before and stretches afterward. Then get treatment, like we have here at LaserTech, to resolve any damage, if you want to do what you can to keep in the game.

Non-Invasive, Drug Free Treatment Options for Tennis Injury

Our Scottsdale pain clinic, conveniently located on Shea and the 101, offers multiple treatment options that don’t require the use of any injections, pain pills, and best of all no surgeries! 

We have multiple pain-relieving technologies that aim to treat the cause of your pain, not just mask the symptoms. Our experienced and knowledgeable doctor will sit down with you to discuss your medical history in depth. Then, he’ll develop a custom treatment plan to tackle your pain at its source.

Ready to start enjoying the benefits of laser pain relief?

We provide hope to those who are looking to get out of pain without surgery, injections, or drugs. We don’t just mask your pain. We get to the root of what’s causing your pain and we treat it.