Frequently Asked Questions

Most people start with pain management and physical therapy, but we feel that treatment should be aimed at improving the multiple causes of the condition. If you have a spinal disc condition, treatment should include something aimed at rehabbing the damaged and protruded disc. If you have damaged and inflamed joints, we feel it’s best to accelerate healing and regulate the inflammatory mediators. Oftentimes, just using a steroid for inflammation or a pain pill is short-lived because healing hasn’t occurred. We feel that a doctor’s top priority is to determine the causes of one’s pain and to recommend treatment that helps remedy these causes.
The best doctor for you to see is the one you are most comfortable with. You need to have confidence and trust in your doctor. The key here isn’t necessarily which doctor you start with, it’s more about finding a different doctor or therapist if you are not getting the results you require in a reasonable time. To keep doing the same thing for many months or years without results just doesn’t make sense. This happens far too often. We would always recommend a more noninvasive approach over repeated drugs or surgery, so if you have the opportunity and don’t require immediate surgery, we recommend starting with a doctor who has a good track record of treating pain and who offers a more noninvasive approach to treatment.
The answer to this is an absolute yes! It has been shown that only 5-10% of people who suffer back pain require surgery. Ultimately, this is a question best answered by your surgeon, but it is a good idea to look into other ways to improve your condition unless surgery is mandatory. Surgery becomes mandatory when there is so much pressure on a nerve that you start to have progressive weakness in your extremities. It may also be required if you lose bowel or bladder control due to injury to your spinal nerve, or if you show that your condition is causing issues with your spinal cord. You can suffer years of pain and have severe degeneration and still gets better without surgery. Again, as long as you don’t have an urgent need for surgery, there are other treatments out there that can help.
Sciatica usually occurs when there is pressure on a spinal nerve that causes pain, numbness, and tingling down into the extremities. It is usually due to a spinal disc condition or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spaces where the nerves exit the spine). There are very good noninvasive options to take advantage of for the treatment of sciatica. Sciatica is the number one type of case we treat and we find that noninvasive means can be highly successful for this condition.
We have helped many people with pain in their spine, shoulders, knees, hips, feet, and hands due to arthritis. The most common type of arthritis we see is degenerative arthritis. We find that these conditions respond well to noninvasive treatments that go after any residual joint damage and that improve circulation to the involved area. Appropriate nutrition can also be used to try to regulate the inflammatory process which also helps. When noninvasive treatment covers these three common causes of arthritis pain, relief is often achieved.
Most peripheral neuropathy is treatable. Pain medications can help reduce some suffering but often stop short of providing a quality of life for peripheral neuropathy patients desire. Peripheral Neuropathy has many causes, so your doctor or therapist must understand the differences. Diabetes is a common cause of neuropathy and is more prone to circulatory deficits. Treatment for this type of neuropathy should be able to improve circulation to the involved extremity. Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy tends to respond well to treatments that aim at stimulating the healing of the damaged nerve cells. All neuropathies have some degree of abnormal nerve transmission. If the type of neuropathy is classified appropriately and treatment is aimed at improving the issue involved with the specific condition, then treatment for peripheral neuropathy can be successful and maintainable.
We offer a free consultation for the sole purpose of determining the specific causes of your pain and deciding if we can help you. Coming in for a free consultation to discuss your condition with the doctor is the best first step you can take to get all your answers about what is causing your pain, and how we can help. We are known for being straightforward and honest, so we will definitely tell you if we do not think we can help. The good news is that we can help most of the patients that we accept.
Cold Laser Therapy follows the “Goldilocks principle”. This means that the laser has to be programmed to the “just right” setting for each individual’s condition and body requirements or it is less likely to be successful. That is why we have Multiple types of pain-relieving lasers and why most of our lasers are computerized with huge capacity and flexibility. This is so important and allows us to better meet each patient’s needs. We also follow a layered absorption approach to ensure there is thorough absorption of the laser’s photons, and that proper laser dosing reaches the target tissues to accelerate healing. Having this large laser capacity and flexibility has been so valuable to us and our patients. Many other clinics utilize single lasers with less flexibility and capacity.
We call our technology a biomodulator because our goal is to improve nerve function and transmission. Most chronic pain conditions develop abnormal nerve firing which is a common cause of pain. TENS is used as a counter-irritant to block nerve transmission and is only effective when it is on. It doesn’t rehab the dysfunctional nerves, it is strictly a pain management tool. An analogy we use for our ENB technology is that it is like a pacemaker for nerves. It helps rehabilitate the nerves and entrains them to start firing more normally. We have found that by using our ENB along with our other technologies, we have a better opportunity to achieve a more sustainable change in nerve function.
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