Are You Experiencing Work Related Injuries?

Non-Invasive Treatments for Chronic Pain Caused by Workplace Injuries

injection free work injury pain management in Scottsdale AZ.When people think of workplace injuries, they commonly think of injuries sustained in industries such as mining, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, roofing and other similar, potentially dangerous fields. However, a very large proportion of the injuries sustained on the jobsite occur in office and corporate settings as a result of poor posture over a prolonged period of time, as it is the #1 cause of persistent wrist, neck and back pain.

At LaserTech – Arizona’s go-to source for non-invasive chronic pain treatments – we understand that injuries sustained on the job not only affect your quality of life, but also your ability to effectively perform the tasks required of you at work in order to make a living and pay your bills. That’s why we’re proud to offer you safe, non-invasive treatments to help reduce your pain and get you back to work in no time.

LaserTech Pain Treatment Works

I had low back pain for over 22 years. I tried injections, drugs, and physical therapy but there was no change. I had no life. I couldn’t sit or stand for more than 10 minutes and I couldn’t sleep. Now I can touch my toes, sleep, and walk. I have my life back.”

Terrie P.

No Drugs, No Injections, No Surgery

Most people who sustain moderate to severe workplace injuries have a variety of treatment options at their disposal, including surgery, injections and prescription pain medications. Injections and drugs only treat the symptoms, not the root of the problem, and surgeries carry high risks of complications, meaning if anything were to go awry during the operation, you could be out of work for twice as long, if not longer, than you would had you not opted to go under the surgical knife.

That being said, before you opt for more complex and potentially harmful procedures, you should consider the alternatives, such as those we offer here at LaserTech. Our wide array of technologies are completely non-invasive, and unlike most other procedures they target the actual cause of your chronic pain, rather than simply masking the symptoms. Put our years of experience and full arsenal of highly effective technologies to work for you after your injury on the job, and get back to working and living life to the fullest.

Start Your Road to Relief and Get Back to Work in No Time
Call (602) 633-1063 to schedule your free consultation today!