Computerized Multi-Laser Therapy (CMLT)
Reduce Your Chronic Pain with Cold Laser Therapy in Scottsdale, AZ
At LaserTech Pain and Back Relief Center, we are proud to provide our patients throughout Arizona with our laser technologies that range from 600-1,000 nanometers and have a more than 20-year successful track record of successfully reducing chronic pain for those in Europe, Canada and beyond. Through laser therapy, we aim to not only effectively reduce your pain, but to also improve your body’s nerve circulation, thereby promoting nerve and surrounding tissue healing.
What Exactly is LaserTech’s Computerized Multi-Laser Therapy (CMLT) System?
After years of research, development and countless trials, Frederick Kahn, MD, FRCS, a Canadian vascular surgeon with a full team of well-known laser developers, created the computerized laser therapy system that is used here at LaserTech today. The incredibly efficient and innovative technology behind this system is capable of effectively reducing your chronic pain – whether it be neurological or musculoskeletal – and promoting fast tissue and nerve healing, all without any incisions, sutures, drugs or invasive procedures.
LaserTech’s CMLT system is carefully manufactured by Meditech to ensure the utmost precision, both with the lasers and the computer software. Our compassionate and highly experienced pain relief team employ a layered absorption process (LAP), and have even taken the time to add additional lasers to our full arsenal of technologies to help make it more possible for us to deliver the results you seek, so there is hope, even when other popular treatments have failed.
How Does Cold Laser Therapy Work?
Lasers, which are essentially just concentrated beams of light, are utilized in a vast array of industries and applications in today’s tech-savvy world. Some of the applications that come to many of our minds are lasers’ use in industrial settings, internal surgery, eye surgery and skin treatments, just to name a few. A laser’s concentration is positively correlated with the heat and power of that laser, meaning the more highly concentrated, the hotter and more intense, or powerful that laser will be. However, colder lasers are the opposite in that they have less destructive and reduced burning effects. At LaserTech, we utilize a system that is rooted in cold laser technology, because we’re dealing with human skin, tissues and nerves, not steel.

Cold low-level laser therapy has been studied in-depth for more than 30 years, and has been shown to have significant positive effects on human tissue and nerves in a wide variety of ways. With more than 2,600 peer-reviewed research articles investigating the effects of cold laser treatments on both human and animal tissue and nerves, you can rest assured the technology we’re using has been carefully manufactured, thoroughly tested and continually monitored.
The effects this system has on your problematic or damaged tissues is referred to as photo bio-stimulation, due to the fact that it stimulates positive change in areas that require it, but it does not have any effect whatsoever on the surrounding healthy tissues, organs or nerves. The technology is complex, but the end result of increased pain relief, couldn’t be more straightforward.
How Exactly Do Lasers Relieve Pain? What is the Science Behind the Laser Therapy for Pain Relief?
Lasers work to relieve your chronic pain symptoms by stimulating your body to release its own natural pain killers and anti-inflammatory chemicals, while also accelerating the proliferation (and restoration) of healthy tissue and increasing circulation and blood supply. All of this works to encourage fast, significant and long-lasting pain relief while also repairing any damaged tissues, joints, discs, muscles, nerves, ligaments, etc. So we don’t just treat your pain, we promote overall healing as well, so you can get back to living a healthy life to the fullest. Click over to our blog to learn even more about the science behind cold laser therapy.
What Are Some Conditions that Cold Laser Therapy Can Help?
- Spinal Stenosis
- Tendonitis
- Neuropathy
- Arthritis of Any Joint
- Bulging or Herniated Discs
- Fibromyalgia Back and Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Injury
- Sciatica
- Hip Pain and Arthritis
- Knee Pain and Arthritis
- Muscle Spasms
- Spinal Arthritis
- Sports Injuries and Strains/Sprains
- Bursitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Wrist Pain
- Ligament and Tendon Tears
- Car Accident Injuries
- Work Related Injuries
- and many more...
What Sets LaserTech’s Laser Treatments Apart from Other Popular Treatments?

One of the primary benefits of choosing LaserTech’s CMLT treatment versus other popular treatment options is the fact that you can experience pain relief without having to undergo invasive surgeries or face the unnecessary dangers of injections and addictive prescription drugs. Countless clinical research studies have demonstrated that drugs prescribed for pain offer very little benefits and carry large risks, such as serious adverse effects. Cortisone injections are a very commonly used method of pain management; however, they offer very little benefits and any positive effects that you do experience are likely to be extremely temporary/short-term.
While surgery is always an option, it should only be used as an absolute last resort, seeing as it involves far more risks and potential complications than any other course of treatment. While prescription pain medications, injections and surgery may be a good option for some people, it’s not right for everyone – and thankfully that’s where LaserTech comes into play. We’ve helped many patients find fast relief in a completely non-invasive fashion, and we’d love nothing more than to have the opportunity to do the same for you.
The scientific and medical communities have known for years that lasers can have incredibly positive healing effects for patients suffering from chronic pain. However, the majority of lasers never had enough power or computerized specificity, nor were they able to penetrate as deep as they needed to in order to deliver a truly effective treatment. Thanks to the innovative technology utilized in LaserTech’s CMLT system, these difficulties and shortcomings have been overcome once and for all. Our system offers an amazing level of power and accuracy, and is capable of penetrating into your tissues.
Frequently Asked Questions about Cold Laser Therapy
Is the LaserTech Laser System FDA-Cleared?
Yes, it is indeed! Our technology has received 510(k) notification for the treatment of chronic pain caused by musculoskeletal conditions.
What Results Should I Expect to See?
We are proud to say that most of our patients experience significant pain relief in a very short period of time. The number of treatments your unique situation requires and results will vary depending on your age, the type and severity of your condition, the extent of injury or degeneration, your overall state of health, lifestyle habits, etc.
Can I Use LaserTech’s Treatment After Surgery, or is That Not Recommended?
Absolutely! There is no problem whatsoever with using the lasers after you’ve already had surgery. In fact, this treatment has been used many times as a follow-up type of therapy for patients who have undergone surgery and continue to experience pain following the procedure. If you’ve recently undergone a knee or hip replacement surgery, or any other type of surgical procedure for that matter, and you still have persistent pain lingering around, give us a call today to see if we can help.
How Can I Find Out if I am a Good Candidate for Laser Therapy Treatment?
There’s only one way to find out if our laser treatment is right for you – schedule a free consultation with one of our friendly, knowledgeable doctors today. During this 20-30 minute consultation, the doctor will obtain your pertinent past medical history, ask you specific questions about your condition, pain, lifestyle, etc., and review any X-rays, MRIs, CT scans or other reports/images you may have. Our doctor will then explain in a detailed and easy-to-understand manner how this treatment could help relieve your pain, and also give you a tentative timeframe of when you can expect to experience relief and a good overall response to treatment.
Does the Laser Treatment Hurt? What Exactly Does Laser Therapy Feel Like?
LaserTech’s low-level laser therapy treatments are really quite comfortable. It’s a common worry that laser therapy will burn, but we only use cold laser therapy technology. So, there’s no chance of ever feeling a burning sensation by our lasers. Our laser therapy is aimed at the target/problem area and applied directly to your skin – there are no needles, sutures or anesthetics involved whatsoever, meaning downtime is virtually nonexistent. You may feel a very mild, warm sensation, but that will be all.
The treatment is so comfortable, in fact, that patients often sleep, listen to music, read, have a drink or enjoy a nice conversation with our friendly, highly qualified therapist.
Ultimately, our lasers provide our patients a significant boost in cellular energy and healing potential and due to this, they have the potential to significantly reduce chronic pain for many.